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    By subscribing to the newsletter, I have been informed and accept that my personal date be transmitted to trading partners of Fragonard for the purpose of satisfying such processing

    Parfumeries Fragonard is responsible for processing your data for the purposes of creating an account on our website to manage your orders, details and loyalty account.
    This processing is subject to your consent. You can withdraw it at any time without this affecting the legality of any processing undertaken previously. If you choose not to consent to compulsory data being collected (marked with an asterisk), you will be unable to create an account. None of your personal data is shared with third parties other than our processors.
    You have the right to ask Parfumeries Fragonard to access, rectify, make portable and/or erase your personal data, and to restrict its processing, object to its processing, not be subject to automated decision-making, and decide what happens to your data following your death.
    You can also submit a complaint to the French Data Protection Authority:

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    Monday to Friday From 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
    And from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at +33 4 92 42 34 34

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